Charlene Meeker

Charlene Meeker

Charlene enjoys a variety of mediums: acrylic, pastel, watercolor, and two favorites: colored pencil and pen ‘n ink. Living in Sacramento for years, she developed a passion for Victorian homes which she renders in pen ‘n ink detail, sometimes combining with watercolor.

Louise Kasza

Louise Kasza

Artist Statement Creating art is an inborn need for me. It is something that is a constant part of my life. We live in a world of speed and instant gratification, often missing the beauty and magical moments of the world around us. I like to harness those moments and the occasional humor they suggest…

Elaine Seeley

Elaine Seeley

Artist Statement My academic training in sculpture required hours spent drawing the figure, studying anatomy, and modeling figures in clay. I emphasize the human figure in my welded sculptures. My aim is to capture the movement, essence, and energy of the human figure. Most importantly, I work with ideas and observations. Currently, I am working…

Karen Crowell

Karen Crowell

Artist Bio Karen Crowell – PORTRAIT / LANDSCAPE ARTIST Born and raised in Southern California, Karen has loved to draw since childhood. She remembers sitting for hours at her Grandparent’s table drawing with colored pencils her uncle, a student at UCLA, let her use. During her student years, she would do drawings for other students’…

Ursula Schroter

Ursula Schroter

Artist Statement I create paintings using silk as my canvas. The brilliance of the color using silk dyes on luxurious silk is amazing. Every time I start a new painting it is breathtaking when the brush touches the silk and the dyes begin to flow. Every single piece I create is hand-painted on silk with…

Scott Bruckner

Scott Bruckner

Artist Statement Artist Bio Scott grew up in southern California but has lived for extended periods in Florida and Connecticut, and his work has been influenced by this bi-coastal experience. A further inspiration was an extensive art tour of northern and southern Europe, undertaken with family just before enrolling at California Polytechnic University in San…