Cheryl Ehlers multimedia artist

Cheryl Ehlers

“As an artist, the canvas is my mouthpiece. It speaks with vibrant colors, bold strokes, and whispers my secrets, shares my passions, and expresses emotions while taunting my sensibilities to grow and flourish confidently” — Cheryl Ehlers

Janyce Knight

Janyce Knight

Janyce enjoys traveling and her artwork is often inspired by various destinations from her travels, including beautiful locations in and around her home city, San Diego.  When she is traveling and enjoying San Diego, you’ll find Janyce with her pen and drawing pad, often stopping to sketch a scene, capturing the beauty and memories of…

Ann Hurd

Ann Hurd

“I have always had a passion for photography and I am thrilled every time I look through my viewfinder and see a beautiful scene unfold. Part of the fun of taking thousands of photographs on a trip is to be able to share my photos and experiences with others when I return. I am honored every time someone tells me they enjoy my work.” — Ann hurd

Charles Dozer

Charles Dozer

“Although for many years I have enjoyed photography, I have been a serious amateur photographer for the last several years specializing in floral and landscape subject matter. Now with the digital format, enhancing “what I see” is becoming even more exciting!” — Charles Dozer

Charleene Meeker

Charlene Meeker

Charlene enjoys a variety of mediums: acrylic, pastel, watercolor, and two favorites: colored pencil and pen ‘n ink. Living in Sacramento for years, she developed a passion for Victorian homes which she renders in pen ‘n ink detail, sometimes combining with watercolor.

Louise Kasza

Louise Kasza

FEBRUARY: Artist Statement Creating art is an inborn need for me. It is something that is a constant part of my life. We live in a world of speed and instant gratification, often missing the beauty and magical moments of the world around us. I like to harness those moments and the occasional humor they…